Say Hi to Queen....Don't ask who she is ( LOL ) I'm keeping her all to myself! but she was nice enough to pop over and pose for a few pictures with me. Such a cute Outfit she's sporting. Its from Ducknipple and you can get it boots and all for L145 on marketplace (Promo) so not sure how long it will be that price. Its uber cute, I think I might have to snap one up for me :) We both have on Hair from Catwa!!!!!! Gotta love ya a little Catwa hair♥ My outfit is a mix and match, love these new boots from Ducknipple (Sheena) they come with an awesome color change hud! Woot for color change huds!
*Take note of my Cute Boo Boo Knees...with 5 different bandaid options. U can pick up some at Filtink (♥)
Anyhoo all the good stuff is at the end..Hope everyone has a fabulous Weekend
Byes 4now
Whats on Queen:
Belts, boots, jewelry, socks, top, and skirt from Ducknipple. "Rawrr" full outfit.
Tattoo: :::insanya::: Courage
Glasses: [LUCKY CARD] Glasses (Free)
Hair: ^;^CaTwA^;^ Amylee (Midnight)
On Me:
Makeup-Mostly Damned, da-glam shadows
Peircings-Pekka & ipoke & ni.ju
Glasses-Hype-Nerd glasses v.3
Shirt-Apple may-part of Mimi
Shirt-{mon tissu}gauzy skirt-Grey
sweater-Tokid-Bellybutton Cardigan
Scarf-Magic Nook-Highland scarf Black
Socks-League-Gartered socks-Grey
Bracelet-Lagyo-Hula bangle
Nails-Izzie's French nails (NEW)
Ring-Lagyo-Shield rings-silver and black
Backpack-Mr. Poet-Leather backpack
Knees-Flitink-Boo Boo Bandage Knees
Tattoo-Audran-Sparrow axe
Boots-Ducknipple-Sheena (NEW)
Mouthie-Somethin' in your mouth-Gum
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